In 2009, an individual or group known by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency functioning on a peer-to-peer network. Using blockchain technology, a distributed ledger, ensuring transaction security and transparency.

Due to its decentralized nature and limited supply of 21 million coins, bitcoin is becoming increasingly appealing as a store of value and a hedge against traditional financial risks, especially in Africa.

What is Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)?

Dollar Cost Averaging is an investment strategy where an investor systematically purchases a fixed amount of an asset, in this case, bitcoin, at regular intervals regardless of price. This approach aims to reduce the impact of market volatility on the overall investment and allows you, as an investor to accumulate your position over time.

Imagine an investor named Sarah who decides to allocate $100 per month to bitcoin over one year, between Jan 1, 2023, to January 2024.

Month 1:

  • Sarah initiated her DCA strategy by purchasing $100 worth of bitcoin at the market price, of $16,619 per bitcoin in January 2023. With her fixed investment amount, she acquires approximately 0.0060 BTC ($100 / $16,619).

Month 2:

  • The market price of Bitcoin has increased to $23,725.90. Undeterred by short-term fluctuations, Sarah invests another $100. This time, at the lower price point, she can acquire approximately 0.0042 BTC ($100 / $23,725.90)

Month 3:

  • Bitcoin's price drops to $23,646.55. Sarah maintains her disciplined approach, investing another $100, which now secures her approximately 0.0042BTC ($100 / $23,646.55).

Months 4-12:

  • Over the following months, Bitcoin's price fluctuates, but Sarah consistently invests $100 each month. During market downturns, her fixed investment amount buys more Bitcoin, and during upswings, she acquires less.

End of the Year:

After 12 months, Bitcoin’s market price has increased to $46,261.47, and Sarah has accumulated a total of approximately 0.00216 BTC through her DCA strategy.

The average cost per Bitcoin is calculated by dividing the total amount invested ($1,300) by the total Bitcoin acquired (0.00216 BTC), resulting in an average cost of $46,261.47 per Bitcoin.

Altogether, Sarah has profited a whopping 70.25% on her bitcoin investment of one year.

This example highlights the DCA strategy's ability to be resilient in the face of the volatile cryptocurrency market and how it can be used to gradually accumulate more bitcoin at advantageous prices, which will ultimately lead to a more favorable long-term investment outcome.

Advantages of Bitcoin DCA

Disciplined Approach

DCA encourages a disciplined investment approach, promoting a long-term perspective and minimizing the influence of short-term market noise.

Lowering the Average Cost

During periods of market downturns, DCA allows investors to acquire more Bitcoin for the same fixed investment, effectively lowering the average cost per unit over time.

Psychological Benefits

DCA eliminates the stress associated with attempting to time the market, as investors focus on the long-term potential of Bitcoin rather than short-term price movements.

Risk Mitigation

DCA spreads the investment over time, reducing the impact of market volatility. This minimizes the risk of making significant investments at unfavorable price points.

Is it Better to DCA or Do a Lump Sum Strategy?

As with many big questions when it comes to finance and investing…it depends. To make DCA work for you as opposed to following a lump sum strategy, here are some factors to consider:

  • Your investment horizon: If you are investing for the long term, then the DCA strategy may be a better choice, as it can help to smooth out the volatility of the market.
  • Your risk tolerance: If you are risk-averse, then the DCA strategy may be a better choice, as it can help to reduce your chances of buying at a high price.
  • Your available funds: If you have a lump sum of money available to invest (which you do not need anytime in the next 5 to 10 years and can afford to lose), then the lump sum strategy may be a better choice, as it has the potential to generate higher profits.

Is DCA a Good Crypto Strategy?


  • DCA can help to reduce risk by averaging out the cost basis.
  • DCA can help to take emotion out of trading decisions.
  • DCA can be a good strategy for long-term investors.


  • DCA may not be as profitable as trying to time the market.
  • DCA requires discipline to stick to the plan.
  • DCA may not be suitable for investors who want to make quick profits.


Of course, no investment strategy is foolproof. That’s why it’s important to follow some tips for successful DCA in crypto investing. First,, even if the market takes a dip. Third, monitor your performance and make adjustments as needed — if one asset isn’t performing well, consider diversifying your portfolio. And finally, be aware of taxes and fees, which can eat into your profits if you’re not careful.

DCA is a smart strategy not just for beginners but serious long-term crypto investors. It helps to mitigate risk, removes the pressure to time the market perfectly, and can lead to a solid portfolio over time. Of course, no investment strategy is foolproof, but if you set realistic goals (don’t expect to get rich overnight), stay disciplined and consistent with your investments and invest responsibly (i.e. with cash that you do not need to pay the bills next month!), you will find that DCA is a good strategy to remove a lot of the risk that comes with crypto trading.


This article does not contain investment advice or recommendations. Every investment and trading move involves risk, and readers should conduct their own research when making a decision.